This Article is covering below objectives.
Harmonium Introduction
History Of Harmonium
Types of Harmonium
Parts Of Harmonium
What is Harmonium?
In simple way Harmonium is called keyboard instrument that produces
sound with help of wind and reed.
History Of Harmonium.
Gabriel Joseph Grenie is the father of harmonium as he invented harmonium
first time and later on Alexandre Debain of France ed Grenie's instrument in
18th century and named it harmonium. In 19th Century British citizens bought
it in India and in sort of time it became popular in and became indusial pat
of Hindustani (Indian) classical music. It is been widely used for an
accompaniment in Hindustani vocal music.
Types of Harmonium.
There are mainly two types of harmoniums are available in market.
1) Non-Portable:- Non-Portable Harmonium do not change their shape and stand up right.
2) Portable:- Portable Harmonium do change their shape and get folded and you can carry it like suitcase.
There are many sub types of harmoniums are available in market.
1) Harmonium can play with hand:- Harmonium can play with the help of hand.
2) Harmonium can play with foot:– Harmonium can play with the help of feet and hand.
3) Harmonium with coupler Switch:- Some harmoniums have a coupler, a device that connects one key with its higher or
lower corresponding key.
4) Scale changer Harmonium: - Some harmoniums are scale changer, it have movable keyboard and help to change the scale.
Parts Of Harmonium.
1)Body:- The wooden box where all of the parts are fixed into is known as the body.
There are two styles of harmonium body,
a) Fixed position (non-portable)
b) Non-Fixed Position (it collapses) (portable).
2)Bellows:- It is nothing but the pump, in harmonium there will be a side pump bellow or a top pump bellow.
There are 2types of bellows. a) Internal:- They are pumped by feet. b) External:- They are pumped by hand. 3) Reeds:- It is metal tongues, it comes with 1, 2, 3 or 4 bank and can be fixed vertically and horizontally.
It come as male, female, bass, or tenor. 4) Coupler:- A device that connects one key with its higher or lower corresponding key. 5) Keys:- There are white and black keys. 6) Cover:- It is piece of wood, glass or cloth that covers the actual components. 7) Drone stops:- It stop airflow over reeds that are not keyed. 8) Handles:- Helps to carry harmoniums. A box style harmonium has two handles on both side and a suitcase-style/portable
harmonium has one. 9) Scale changers:- It have moveable keyboard which moves up or down, it helps to changing the scale while playing. 10) Reed board:- This piece of wood with holes where reed are fixed. 11) Main stops:- The valves that control how the air flows into the harmonium reed chambers.To better understand here you can refer below video.
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Gabriel Joseph Grenie is the father of harmonium as he invented harmonium first time and later on Alexandre Debain of France ed Grenie's instrument in 18th century and named it harmonium. In 19th Century British citizens bought it in India and in sort of time it became popular in and became indusial pat of Hindustani (Indian) classical music. It is been widely used for an accompaniment in Hindustani vocal music.
Types of Harmonium.There are two styles of harmonium body,
a) Fixed position (non-portable)
b) Non-Fixed Position (it collapses) (portable).
2)Bellows:- It is nothing but the pump, in harmonium there will be a side pump bellow or a top pump bellow.
There are 2types of bellows.a) Internal:- They are pumped by feet.b) External:- They are pumped by hand.3) Reeds:- It is metal tongues, it comes with 1, 2, 3 or 4 bank and can be fixed vertically and horizontally.
It come as male, female, bass, or tenor.4) Coupler:- A device that connects one key with its higher or lower corresponding key.5) Keys:- There are white and black keys.6) Cover:- It is piece of wood, glass or cloth that covers the actual components.7) Drone stops:- It stop airflow over reeds that are not keyed.8) Handles:- Helps to carry harmoniums. A box style harmonium has two handles on both side and a suitcase-style/portable
harmonium has one.9) Scale changers:- It have moveable keyboard which moves up or down, it helps to changing the scale while playing.10) Reed board:- This piece of wood with holes where reed are fixed.11) Main stops:- The valves that control how the air flows into the harmonium reed chambers.To better understand here you can refer below video.
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This is awesome and informative. Thank you